Kozak Talks Podcast

Розбудова української бізнес-спільноти у Великій Британії з Сергієм Савицьким

Сергій Савицький Season 1 Episode 40

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У цьому епізоді ми розмовляємо з Сергієм Савицьким, динамічним українським підприємцем і бізнес-консультантом, який зараз процвітає в Лондоні. Сергій володіє величезним багажем знань і досвіду, пропонуючи безцінну інформацію як для початківців, так і для досвідчених власників бізнесу.

Основні теми включають

- Інноваційний курс Сергія для підприємців, доступний англійською мовою.
- Запуск його бізнес-школи в Лондоні.
- Створення спеціалізованої Telegram-групи, розділеної за темами та керованої експертами-підприємцями.

Ми також заглиблюємося в

- Адаптація та зростання: Особистий шлях Сергія в адаптації до нової культури та мови.
- Тайм-менеджмент та нетворкінг: Поради та стратегії для досягнення успіху.
- Філантропія та вплив: Внесок Сергія та важливість віддачі.

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Speaker 1:

Let's start. Sergey Savitsky. Thank you for joining me again on the podcast Kozak Talks. I know that you were on my podcast on the third episode. It was such an interesting moment. You told me a lot about Interponero. I didn't know much and now we are friends. You give me a lot of business mentoring. You help me not only develop my Kozak Talks but also our platform, networkua, and we want to be grateful to you for helping us. But today you came to the podcast with me. What else can I tell you, because you've been living in England for more than a year, right?

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's been about a year and three months already.

Speaker 1:

You came from Ukraine, were an entrepreneur, came to the UK. Tell us a little bit. I'm interested to listen to you. You were looking at the market. You were looking at all the different entrepreneurs and all the different business clubs that were there. What did you do?

Speaker 2:

done this year, oh, sashko, you know a lot, because all entrepreneurs, our Ukrainians and active people, they have knowledge of what to do in an emergency or in a crisis situation. And so you have simple steps that you just have to do. But the brain is constantly doubting and it is afraid. But you have to do it. But the brain is constantly doubtful and it is afraid, but you have to do them. I took simple steps that I recommend everyone to do. I told you about it last time I went to learn Ukrainian and English. I worked 6-8 hours every day during the first month, or even two. Then I entered the University the London University, university of West London MBA with writing a dissertation, so that my brain was active and so that something pushed me, so that I was responsible for someone, so that I spent money on it and it kept me in the tone. And the third is the search for communities of Ukrainians, not only useful Ukrainians, but Ukrainians who are professional people but are also public figures, good associations, good podcasts. We have done and these are the steps and yes, it's health who knows me well knows that about a year ago, as a big humanitarian staff, we engaged in the evacuation of people and provided up to 10,000 people with shelter in Kharkiv and many, many different processes, and so just switching your brain is very difficult at first. But yes, as we said last time, there are a lot of entrepreneurs who came here, but there were more Because those entrepreneurs who came here, they either have a disability, like me, or have a lot of children from 3 to 5 I met, and the challenge of taking care of your children in a new country.

Speaker 2:

Many people don't know the language either. This is also one of the challenges that entrepreneurs had. Now we are talking about entrepreneurs, so I am focusing on entrepreneurs, but now all these issues are solved with children, with education, with the English language of many. Yes, it is not a professional English language, but it is business English. So many entrepreneurs have already started working, started opening up something, doing some things. First, conversations, and you are watching it. I am watching it because I am putting a lot of effort into it and, in this case, I am very happy about it.

Speaker 1:

Look, serhii, I also know that when we first did a podcast with you, you were in charge of the course. I know I was also very useful in the course I recommended. I remember you asked me. You said who? Well, feedback testimony left. I left the testimony.

Speaker 1:

I think this course is for three people who need it. I left it to myself. I think this course is for three people who need it. These are people who, for the first time or not, even think about business because they have an idea. This is number one. Number two is for those people who already have a business but it is not successful. And the third is for those people who already have a business but it is not successful and they want it to be successful and open more businesses or do a franchise. I recommend this to people. I also recommend your courses. I remember I recommended some people who came to you and said they want to do this course when you came here. I understand that entrepreneurs also look at the market.

Speaker 1:

I recently met a Ukrainian who is engaged in fashion Konstantin, if you are watching this, it's for you. He came to the UK and he went to see all these different fashion brands. He also made his little one with a Ukrainian. It was successful. But he said that to enter the British market he needed to see how fashion works here. He started to travel all over the UK small and large events. He also traveled to Europe to see what they were doing there. He also had the opportunity to go to Dubai. He went to Dubai, then came back. I saw a lot of people Ukrainians and entrepreneurs who invest in Dubai or in real estate some business. I don't know why, but it is. But he came here for a big question and he did it for the first time. It's London Fashion Week. He did it on London Fashion Day and he said it was very successful. But to get back to that level he had to work. But what he did, he did until January and now he knows what he needs to work on, what needs to be changed and how to move forward.

Speaker 1:

But I also know that you also did it seriously when you arrived, you what I was doing. I think that businesses that have people have big problems because they don't write their business plan or their ideas on paper. I never wrote. My brain is stuck, but not on a Bumast. In digital format, yes, in digital format. I started writing on digital format and also on Bumast. I already understand how to form my ideas and also to download a lot of information, but what I want to say is that the course is very cool, wonderful. I highly recommend you to watch or hear this podcast. You can also find the series on the website. All the links for you will be below. But look, you also did research on the market. You gave courses not only to Ukrainians. Now you opened a business school here.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I would like to talk a little about it too, but I forgot to say that confidence in my strength and knowledge is, I think, for many Ukrainian entrepreneurs who came here. It was hard for me to understand quickly how much I was here, how much I was doing and in my knowledge I think, many Ukrainian entrepreneurs who came and I also, it was difficult for me to understand quickly how much I am here, a person who is needed, how much knowledge is needed. So this confidence comes with networking and some first projects. So my main company is management consulting. So I went to work with English companies to, because they are local companies and it was the construction to enter such a large company and when I worked on the project for about 4 months I gained confidence that what I bring, what I give, what we do, is very valuable and it works. So when the confidence appears you start moving further. It is so at all levels. In your case, I think you also have confidence. People write to you. I understand target audiences, the fact that leadership and business knowledge that is obtained. Everyone understands it that finding a good leader or quality, find, quality, practical knowledge, it's hard and when you find them, you have to support them, you have to get them and introduce them into your life.

Speaker 2:

And yes, I started this course. It was called…. Why did I start it? Because I saw that a lot of entrepreneurs who came from Ukraine, both small and medium-sized. In Ukraine they were successful businesses but they did not implement much in the business process because they did not need it. They were in their comfort zone and it was some additional incomprehensible for them element of the system, especially large enterprises, and here they are practically from scratch zero, and so they had to understand something in order to do it quickly so that they would be successful faster.

Speaker 2:

Here in Great Britain I have given this information for free and now I give it in the centers and in Richmond where I am invited. I always gather these people and explain to them so that they can quickly decide two things Business is for them or not and practical steps, what they need to do practically so that they have real business in 3-4 months. And plus, it helps us to get them money, because when you see that a person understands, she gets business knowledge, she works on herself, she has a good time management, then it's very easy to add money to her. When there is no money and a person does not do it, then it order to systematize my processes and prepare my companies either for market exit or for investment or for looking for a local partner, which also turned out to be one of the most successful models in the enterprise that has an English partner on Damontop. They have already moved a little further, but I already have examples of such, with my help, two or three. When everything is systematized, everything is disassembled and shown, then it is 10 times better and easier for the English side to make this decision. Plus, I get to know many Ukrainians who work here, who are as professional as you are, with burning eyes in this field.

Speaker 2:

I met people who work in the stock market as I explain in my own words. I explain very complex things in a very simple language and every person understands it and becomes more successful. So do they. For me, the stock market is a kind of semi-secret niche. I met a person who is engaged in startups, and precisely technological startups, and invests, and investing is about 10 kilos of these investments and these are all different money, they cost different percentage and they are received in a completely different way. They use different percentage and they get it in a completely different way, and this is also a colossal knowledge, but these start-ups including us, the start-up teams, which are many here they don't know this knowledge. That's why they appear in this blue ocean, but if they have this knowledge, they will be ten times more successful and will not make these mistakes.

Speaker 2:

And also with sales, that is, there are a lot of sales issues. I have a very good product everyone knows who knows me and so on but the sales of this product are the next element, and for the UK market, it is also a moment. That's why I found a person who is engaged in sales. She is also successful, she does it quickly and understands, and so I have already formed several courses where my part is about systematization and finances, business planning, time management, practical tools that a person uses right now, right here, so as not to drag him anywhere and it just makes no sense. And another part is this professional, the stock market, a full-fledged one and, as a story, a Ukrainian person who came, did this research, is engaged in public activity and already has his own business school, people who receive this knowledge and more opportunities, and it will already work in the online regime, and Ukrainians and a lot of people from different countries will be able to join it Because there are both Ukrainian and English languages. I think it's a colossal discovery for us that we launched these courses in these languages Ukrainian, english and offline, which will also launch these courses and people will be able to choose the concept they like. But I just don't want to praise myself. But I but I made the concept very correct and useful for everyone.

Speaker 2:

If a person really passes these stages, then she has the opportunity at the end. It depends on her actions and goals. We help with investors who are ready to invest. If a person in this course saw that he or she needs a partner or an English partner, we help this partner to find and explain by what criteria, by regulations, by partnership agreements, very quickly. If a person understood in the course that this is not her idea, but it is a very interesting idea, we show how this idea can be packed and sold. But in fact sometimes it happens that when you see the financial results, you see how much time you need to spend and the elements of scaling. Often a person makes a decision that it is not interesting, it is better to switch your focus to something else, and this is also colossal For me.

Speaker 1:

I always say I think it because one of the topics you mentioned is time management. I remember when you gave us the task to write down what our calendar looked like, I sat down and started thinking about what my calendar looked like. I just wrote down what I was dealing with the big ones. Then you from the new Kansai University, I rewrote it. I sat down and started thinking how it would be. Per perto, per reto theory. We have 80 to 20. You do work on 20%. You give 80% of your work. I wrote it down. I understood when you showed us your notebook. You showed us your calendar and your schedule.

Speaker 1:

I thought that a successful person like you has a minutes. I breathe in this moment or I go swimming, swimming. I have that moment when I take my children to school, but also on my mobile phone. I always use my mobile phone and I tell you my father comes to me yesterday and says Sashko, tomorrow, on Sunday, today, I want to make a barbecue with you. I say, look, dad, I'm learning. If you would have told me we could have planned it, it would have been much better. And he says yes, you're right. I say dad's plan everything, because I really understand that.

Speaker 1:

The most important fact, that there are a lot of people who will tell you, show you and give a lot of content too, because I understand that what we see, what we listen to, what we read, who we talk to, people still sell their ideas to you and you have to think about where your attention, how will it? Where to give more attention? If you don't give attention to where you want to go, then you will go very far Because people take your attention and now that it is being sold, or social media, I think it's very good for business because it pushes you very much. Even here, I have all Ukrainian data, so I always watch all Ukrainian, and it will throw me some new blogger or maybe some new entrepreneur into social media. I always watch their work and see how I can be a part of it Ukrainian and it will throw me some new blogger or maybe some new entrepreneur into social media. I always look at their work and look at how I can be useful to that person and also how that person can be useful to me too. Even if I think that this person cannot be useful to me, I still save that number on their social media. In any case, I will receive a message that will come to me again that will say that I have a problem. I will think that I have found a person on social media, you can contact him, and so I have this.

Speaker 1:

In general, I want to say that your course for time management has changed my life. I write everything. Now when people call me, I think to myself is it going to be successful for me or not? How is it going to be useful for me? Who can I recommend this person to?

Speaker 1:

Because it's good to have contacts, but when you have a lot of contacts and you don't do anything with those contacts, it's not very interesting and that person is not interested in you having a lot of of contacts. You need to know how to use contacts. You said a very interesting word that we Ukrainians all have such a problem with, not only Ukrainians, but also Brits it's networking. I want to work on networking too. I want you to tell me what advice you you give to people who want to do networking. You know you go into a costume or a dress, you have business cards, you know your pitch, you meet someone. How should you talk to that person not only to tell them about your business, but also to tell them about your efficiency and how effectiveness of networking? What are your recommendations?

Speaker 2:

I'll give a very good example. We have a lot of business communities or clubs in London. One of them is Business Way Violetta does London in London?

Speaker 2:

You cannot spend a lot of time on networking for every first person, so you have to be limited in time it can be a minute or two minutes and you have to do three things. You have to say that my name is Savitsky Serhii. I am engaged in management consulting. I have a business school. I am also engaged in business brokerage, buying and two things, or exchange of visits, which I think is already ineffective and should be forgotten but in English, immediately join and become one follower at the same time. This will not harm you in any way, but is very interesting, and this is WhatsApp. When you scan in WhatsApp, it automatically pulls the correct data of the person name, surname and phone and email, if it is recorded in their phone and you immediately save this data. But you must write down what kind of person it is. It's Yana from Amazon. You must write down what it is, because you will have thousands of people and if you have a keyword you need a trading business, bananas, sms, podcasts you will immediately get people from whom you will understand where you met them and this is very effective in this way and you spend two minutes.

Speaker 2:

I often, as I said in the last event, saw that people start communicating. This is the first way, but they stand and talk to each other for half an hour, then they go to children, then to animals and so on. But in this case it's very cool and Ukrainians are very sincere. We as a nation love communication, warmth. But in terms of networking and business networking, there are 50 people on this event, but you should understand at least 50-25 people, because there are people who are the same with your values, knowledge, your surroundings. They are more interesting to you and some people are not interesting to you, and this is normal. But those who are more interesting, you just write to them separately, say let's go for a coffee, or if, what is your hobby? Because you understand, or a person told you, and when you meet this person, the effect will be you need to divide half an hour or an hour and then it's already very effective.

Speaker 2:

But in the first step, the key thing is that you must get to know as many people as possible and not to bury this record of this person in yourself, what this person is doing, because if it will be Sasha Kozak or Sergey Savitsky, then in a year it will be very difficult to identify us. Or if we take only our business card then in a year. Well, sasha, to be honest, I have about a thousand business cards on my desktop that I have collected over the years. There are all the government and many entrepreneurs and I'm going to write everything emails. I want to take a separate assistant so that she can do it, because I just can't do it and the time that you said is coming and this time is not working for us, because when a person has forgotten about us, you have to do it during the first week, two weeks, but not in a year or half a year when you were at the event. These are the key things.

Speaker 2:

I just wanted to finish with business school so that Ukrainians understand, because Ukrainians will listen to us. Look, it will be a commercial business school, very high quality in London. We will be proud of it, I will be proud of it, you will be proud of it. But there is a social component In all directions, in all courses and under-courses. There are always two social places.

Speaker 2:

That is, a person who develops the Ukrainian community, who is engaged in social entrepreneurship, can enter this business school to get a certificate, if it goes successfully, for free. For this you will just have to write a CV, write a motivational list, and if it's a person who moves our community in the social sphere as well, then she can get this place and on every course. Sasha, you know perfectly well that we have these people, and they are not only from England. But now, very this issue and I push it this is the provision of laptops for children in Eastern Ukraine who lost their parents or who were displaced. There are many of them, you all understand. We have only digitized and we have found about 10,000 such children, and this is my goal to ensure Now. We have already provided more than 2,000 children with laptops.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's a lot.

Speaker 2:

It's a lot. We've done more than Apple. People are just not Ukrainian. And I'm moving what I want to say.

Speaker 2:

I always talk about this project. I always show how much it is necessary because it is education. It is the future of our children. I write a dissertation on artificial intelligence implementation in small and medium-sized companies. How easy it is to do it. But when you have a tool A laptop is a tool it's games with this tool, the more professional it will be in the future.

Speaker 2:

And why did I say that? Because 10% of all our income from this school but not only from the school but also from management consulting I send to to the management consulting. I'm talking about education for children in my social mission. I'm not saying to donate from the EU. We do everything and we should do it in this case to this project. When we will perform 10,000, and I hope that during this year, maybe two years we will cover this issue then there will be some other project related to the world and you can be sensitive to it. Who knows me knows how open I am and how open the information I give or the projects I create are. That's why I just wanted to emphasize it.

Speaker 1:

Serhii, I want to tell you that you told me about the course. You told me about networking, as well as in the UK who are entrepreneurs and who have recently moved here. I know that you did a very wonderful thing. Well, you did it in Telegram. It's just very, very wonderful for Ukrainian entrepreneurs who are on the territory of the UK. We know that many who use Telegram are Ukrainians. Very rarely I hear that a British or an Englishman uses Telegram.

Speaker 1:

But they started, but they started. Yes. There are different reasons you will find out later but in general such a group is very cool for entrepreneurs. I go there. I can find a lot of information there that I will not find at the moment in any Ukrainian community.

Speaker 2:

When I find this information with you, it will appear open this group. Where did you get this idea and what do you want to? How can I say what is the goal of this group? I am engaged in a lot of networking. I communicate with a lot of Ukrainians and Englishmen and I know that we are now in a very difficult time for all of us, a very difficult time, and in unification there is success for all of us Because there are a lot of resources. Even if we take the market of the United States, england, in which we are now, it is a very, very large market and financial and construction it is colossal. But I saw one thing that I saw in Ukraine.

Speaker 2:

I myself, who knows me? I am a member of seven different business clubs where I try to be active Because I work in a consulting company. So this is the community where I have to be, where people have to understand that I am a responsibility person. My qualities are both human and professional. But what I saw that all the very cool people who created these communities, business clubs we can refer to them in your posts, but it's only 60 people there, 100 people there, maximum 200 people there, and I talked to one Englishman because I am a member of Rotary Club. It is not an entrepreneur club, it is a club of public figures and active people, but these are very professional people all over the world. And he told me look, serhiy, there are thousands of entrepreneurs in England right now and they unfortunately what we English people see they don't communicate with each other. They have cool projects, cool startups, and in these communities there are about 10% of entrepreneurs.

Speaker 2:

And for me, it was a challenge. I realized that I have a very good idea. I know how to do it to unite all, not just to unite, but to do so that all these communities and clubs and their shareholders and owners, those who began to communicate with each other. But in entrepreneurship, many entrepreneurs are closed people. They move their questions. They have a lot of experience in terms of various not very pleasant things in business, in partnership, in information, in ideas and so on. So it's a challenge I decided to create while, on the basis of Telegram, I decided to collect all my networking which I know in different directions. These are the owners of Ukrainian businesses in England in different directions, in different areas ICT, restaurants, startups, exhibition organizations, journalists, musicians who write commercially, and these are all Ukrainians and there are thousands of such people and many of them are not united by anything and many do not want to enter some community because someone does not want to pay money, because in a community, when you find it, you have to pay. It's logical, it's business, but many people don't want to do it. Many people doubt the order of this or that community because they need to be checked and it takes time to spend it on public principles, which does not limit anyone in any way. No one should do anything to anyone but gives the opportunity to receive quick information from entrepreneurs, from entrepreneurs and plus, what else did I notice? I did not notice. This is my observation.

Speaker 2:

Ukrainians are not only in London. There are 200 people in Birmingham, in Liverpool, in Manchester, in Bristol, in small cities, and these people don't know each other. They have huge cases. They have huge cases In Edinburgh. There is a very active Ukrainian girl. She does a lot of interesting things events, cooperation, etc. And we should know one about another. Why? First, it's just interesting. Second, it inspires. It even inspires me when I see how someone moves, develops, how he is engaged in education, how he makes these local communications, creates them from nothing, and there are many such people, but they should know each other. Not that they are competitors to each other, but how can a person from Edinburgh be a competitor to a person in London or in Liverpool? And I'll say it again the market is so big that only by joining and gaining access to information it gives just colossal results.

Speaker 2:

And as soon as I got this idea, I realized it. I created this group. My goal at this stage is coordination somewhere near around 1000 Ukrainian entrepreneurs. And how will it work out there? Because my resources and my understanding are enough to quality coordinate this group of people, and then we will see how it will develop. And I really want to. You know, all those who listen to us will listen. You know, as we often say, because this is our culture, because this is our mentality, because two people cannot agree on something, and so on.

Speaker 2:

I have heard many times here in London that Ukrainian companies are starting to compete with Ukrainian companies. That is, in the market, the multi-billionaire, where there are Poles, italians, and thank God they live and they are still successful, but Ukrainians are starting to compete with Ukrainians in the legal sphere. I think this is wrong at this stage. I think at this stage, we should be united as entrepreneurs. Why do we have business school? In our business school, sashko knows only one and a half months and three months of training, unlike in business schools. Here are years and two years in England Because we don't have time. We do our best to make people get on their feet and start making money. Okay, they make money, but they hire people to work. Who do they hire People? Who are these people? Ukrainians? They hire Ukrainians, ukrainian entrepreneurs who create branches here, open factories.

Speaker 1:

Well, yes, because they see in Ukraine what services you do there. They come here, they open businesses, they hire Ukrainians. First, it's a language. Second, because the Ukrainian mentality is understood one by one.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and what does it create? It creates jobs, it creates income, it creates stability, no matter what. Some people say that people should return, some say that they should still save money, and so on. I believe that women and children should still be here and they should earn some money. There are a lot of things that we can do only by uniting, and the result is huge because many owners are not able to communicate with each other, just have information who is doing what, who has strong leaders, leaders of their professional activities and we must quickly have access to them so that we Ukrainians can move quickly and get on our feet here on the market.

Speaker 2:

In the UK and recently, there have been a lot of forums on the restoration of Ukraine, on investment in various startups, and a lot Because London is one of the world's capitals and there are a lot of events and a lot of capital. But what, on the other hand? How can we find? I have a clear example. Well, clear, listen to me. In April, there will be an investment forum where English companies are ready to invest in Ukrainian ideas. They also want to support. They want to earn money, but also to support morally, but they want to invest in interesting ideas and projects from a million pounds, and there should be a lot of such ideas. Where can we find them? Well, they spread it on the Internet. Now there is an advertisement, please submit, and so on. But if there is such a community about which I am talking, it works quickly. We are all different owners of these communities, business clubs. They understand who is in them, they understand their members very deeply or communicate, and we can quickly pull them out and let these people develop.

Speaker 2:

It's a pity move. These people who are already making money, they can still spend more on the Z, which communicates on their territory, where they must provide us with a organization who to communicate with, or a number of English organizations to quickly make a decision and find a solution from the Ukrainian business. But there is no such thing. It takes time to communicate with different communities. Then it's time to give some kind of answer. Then there are stereotypes. Someone doesn't give these contacts because there is some kind of jealousy, but with some kind of, what I'm doing now is very successful. Everything works out for me. God helps, I don't know Authority English language Plus, I understand that as soon as I do it, english businesses start to communicate with me they say well, serhiy, can you please we? I know who is already moving with Ukrainians, who is new, who just arrived, and they are not interested in the fact that they are already moving.

Speaker 2:

What is analytics? Analyst is when you need to do research, market communicate with people, do a survey and here you get this information in 5 minutes. And, of course, when you give in 5 minutes and someone else will give in 2-3 days, you will be the first to be able to do it. That's why I'm dealing with this issue now. It motivates me. I see a sense in it. I see a great sense in it. I see that my knowledge, my competencies, my leadership and my openness are. This is enough, because the hardest thing is when you tell people to see what Serhiy wants from it. What does Serhiy want from it?

Speaker 2:

The idea successful businesses are. The more they take management consulting I have a direct dependence. Plus, I have a business school the more successful businesses or some areas are. They teach their staff, they teach their children. This is a direct dependence.

Speaker 2:

I have a business brokerage. I buy and sell businesses. The more successful people are the more they open restaurants in different directions. They want to buy, to sell some businesses to sell their successful or unsuccessful businesses. This is also my niche, so I'm directly interested in it moving and it just goes parallel. But this is my social component. It is unique and I hope that in the next 2-3 months we will already find Liverpool, manchester, birmingham, london, different clubs, many cities. We are already communicating, but I want to find…. Thank you, sashko, for your project, your tips, that they give the opportunity to find those people who are now in the villages, in the big cities. They know me, they know other sites. We should find each other here. I am open. We are open. Many people doubt, sasha. You were on this platform. Have you seen the owners of businesses who don't know each other, who are small, medium and very big? At what level do they communicate and cover the issues?

Speaker 1:

Yes, because I wanted to find Ukrainians who work here on the property to throw a 14-plate and there were some moments when I wanted to ask people and that person answered me. There is one entrepreneur he answered me more. Maybe he spoke Russian, but he was responsible for me in English. It was easier for me to understand him in any language. He was in that group. Many people also joined, understood this information. It was very clear, very fast. And then he privately wrote to me saying Sashko, look to do this for you, etc. And he said such quality information, truthful information, use this information. I think this information will be useful for our audience, not only for me, but also for our organization, networkua, which we just launched as a platform for apps.

Speaker 2:

And that's really cool.

Speaker 1:

It's next level. A lot of people wrote to me saying that what you've done is cool. It's already the second level. But we're not just focusing on Britain. We're going to move the international social network. We want to make the first Ukrainian social network in the world. We have done a lot of research. There are many Ukrainians who tried to open the first Ukrainian social network, but they did't succeed. I don't know why, but we looked at the market. What do we see now? We see that Telegram is a very cool platform.

Speaker 1:

I will always recommend Telegram. I like WhatsApp, but I write a lot of information that you need to do a pin and WhatsApp does it for you. Sometimes you want to leave more pins and say look, I remember cooking with this. Please come here and do this, or you can tell me you can't do that In Telegram. It's much better to do it. I also have my own groups, where I am in the group of people who read these podcasts, people who do marketing for me. I can always do a pin and they can say Sashko, you paid me for the payment or you didn't pay for the payment. I can show you this and that I really like Telegram. But we know that they will not grow up until we grow up.

Speaker 1:

We opened a website and the site in this country is still being used. The British see you as if there is no site. They will not go further. I have a tip, typical situation when there are a lot of people. I remember one of my students said to a girl that Instagram is a great platform, but I thought what will happen? I remember a couple of days or weeks ago when Facebook and Instagram closed, I was there. I thought I was hacked. I thought, oh my God, they will take all my information. I also wanted to say that social media is cool, but you can't put everything as a business on Instagram and social media. Here. The British don't take you seriously On a big day when you have a business. They want to have a site, some kind of foundation, and we understood that the site is cool, it performs, but we had a lot of problems with the site because people don't use the site. You have to go to Google, go to some Internet Explorer, write a network, wait for it to load, then find information. It takes a lot of time and we thought why not open an app? It's the coolest thing, it's like Uber. I want to order Uber. I information on the territory of Great Britain.

Speaker 1:

Also, as you did for Ukrainian entrepreneurs, you opened a group in Telegram and broke it down into topics. Ukrainian entrepreneur, who is a professional in this specialization, can give quality information. You know that he will not deceive you. He will give you quality information that you know he won't cheat you. He gives you quality information and you always come back with even more, and not only you take this information. You can connect with him and say, look, maybe some panel can be, or maybe just say, look, I also have great information. I want to give it to you too. You can do it on some other site. It's very quality.

Speaker 1:

What you did and what we did in Networkua, we did a colossal with Sergey. Not only with Sergey, but also with all the Ukrainians who supported us. I want to thank Google, all the people who made Facebook, youtube, even the person who created Telegram. I know that he is Russian, people say, and he lives in Romania now, but I want to thank him for giving us, as Netwalkua, a platform that we could use. We remember I will go to the website in a moment we were called Oliz Group and then, when Sergey, my partner told me, let's do it. They made a new feature because we are also paying for the Telegram premium. People who want to take up this business or do some kind of community pay for the Telegram premium Group and open a network of UA but divide it into pieces. On each topic we had an expert who asked us. I said, okay, we did it. We realized that we had 32,000 people, 16,000 bots. We divided it and, thank God, you know when you make a mockup and you look at it so that there are no rocks.

Speaker 1:

We realized that we have 16,000 people who are real, but we only saw people who found work, who did not find work with us. They did not enter our group. We have so far, 6,500 people. Now we have up to 7,000 people who are working in our Telegram group. I understand why they are not very active there. Our group is not active, which also answers a lot of big questions.

Speaker 1:

We have a lot of news which we write. We have our own journalists who write small articles about Ukrainians in the UK, or we take various articles. I also want to say that in the UK, I don't see anyone who writes about Ukrainians. There are no articles. There are no journalists who can write articles. I understand that there are articles from Ukraine journalists who come here or they take something from here, or British people, BBC News but these are not their own. They have their own ideas. They have their own movement. I would like to I'm not saying that I want to do this. Maybe someone can do it. Maybe we can unite and do it so that Ukrainians can be here. Many Ukrainian journalists came from Ukraine and want to work here as journalists. Maybe they need to pass their courses here to become journalists, or maybe they need to retake their diplomas so that Ukrainians write articles about Ukrainians who live here.

Speaker 1:

I'm curious how Ukrainian espionage is Manchester, Birmingham, and maybe the entrepreneurs who made a great effort in Birmingham. I don't know that until I check their social media. I need to follow them, but I don't want to follow 600 people. I'm already doing content and I need 600 people. It's a lot of time for me. I want to contact 5 people who have really great information, who have 2-3 better chances for me. I take this information from them, Even the measures I'm taking now. I'm not a fan of Ukrainians who have different communities. If you go to my Instagram or Facebook, you'll see that I am not very subscribed to many people. If I subscribed to all my followers, then people will throw whatever they want. I don't care about cats and dogs. I care about how Ukrainians are thriving in this country. My goal is to make Ukrainians as prosperous as Poles and Latvians. Look how they do their job. They are a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

they have different restaurants. Look, I'm telling you seriously, Ukrainians come here and open all these restaurants. It's easy to open a restaurant. Let's open a Ukrainian store. I don't see a clean Ukrainian store here. I'm not talking about the combination of Zlotovsk and Polish products. No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that there is no such thing as a pure Ukrainian store in the UK. There is none at all. Or do you know some information that I don't know?

Speaker 2:

I know, but it will be soon. But it's again about cooperation. When someone opens starts it's different suppliers, logistics, etc. And now when people I already know that the first trucks are coming with products, with oil, with various confectionery products.

Speaker 1:

They will soon be in London and, moreover, some companies will. I have such a resource. Yes, I have a huge resource and we have a resource. Like you gave us opportunities.

Speaker 1:

I remember I wrote to you as a director. She is Ukrainian, she is an entrepreneur from Ukraine. She says Sashko, I want to sell clothes here, but I don't know how to enter the market to sell clothes. I thought to myself what should I do? I remember we met because I was waiting in the room to do my podcasts. I told you, serhii, help me. You said, yes, sashko, scan the link to this group and she can ask these questions and all the entrepreneurs I'm looking for.

Speaker 1:

Now I have them, thank God, I can say people are addressing me with a problem. You solve this problem. I just say this problem can solve your problems, you can address them. You understand and it's much easier. This is networking. This is networking, yes, and people are talking to you. They are addressing me, known as a podcaster, because podcasts help a lot. People not only watch these reviews on YouTube, but also listen to them because it's interesting. A lot of people come to me for podcasts to tell their stories, what they do here, and I'm a PR expert for Ukrainians who live in the UK.

Speaker 2:

Can I say a little bit at this stage? Yes, you can, because the first thing I wanted to say is for you too, because I am very, very grateful to you for what you do. As you said, I'm just an entrepreneur, so I'm focused. I'm a public figure or an entrepreneur, so I'm focused on entrepreneurs. I understand what they need to bring more benefit, but you do work for everyone, for information.

Speaker 2:

I think that after many years, people who you saved some lives with your team. Only many people literally save lives and you saved someone's mental health that he found. That person saved someone because he was worried that he couldn't. Everyone knows how it is with housing right In London, what a big problem it is and how much you did to make these proposals, to take Ukrainian families, etc. So you saved literally a colossal number of Ukrainians with their products, with their desires, and I know that at first you didn't sleep. I remember you answered at night and so on, and then it went into some format and so on, and then, when we started working more structurally, I saw how much you give away to really help.

Speaker 2:

But I also heard about the criticism that was said. Well, Sashko is starting to create something commercially and so on, and I think it's cool that you give so much information to people, so many free platforms that you created, and the fact that you are trying to do something commercial now you dream with your podcasts, your platforms, add-ons, and the fact that there will be some commercial component with regard to advertising or some other elements. It's cool Because you create a product that helps it's business. Business is when you help and people are grateful to you for it and pay you for it. You created such a product.

Speaker 2:

So I want to say thank you from myself, from the entrepreneurs you have already invited and from those you will invite, because only thanks to you they found out that they were here, and after they found out that they were here, some authority appeared. They had first clients and they began to trust them. That's why they began to move their business much faster, and that's also colossal. That's why they started moving their business much faster, and that's also colossal. So thank you, and if you need it or you know that you can count on me, but I want to say this also publicly that if you or your team needs some professional advice in the framework of our activity or my activity. I am always glad to do something professional in our activity and in my activity. I am always happy to help you with this and I am proud that I can help your project to create the product that you create.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. No, thank you because you encouraged me to take your course. I took that course. It was difficult. It was difficult because, again, this was all time where I concentrated my time. I did most of the. I learned how to do it with light. I always looked for experts to help me, thank God. But I understand that podcasts give me a platform. I don't see anyone here. Look, there are bloggers here and really these bloggers do cool work in their own sphere, but I saw that bloggers don't invite experts to their work and let them tell their story. I've always been interested in doing interviews. I want to Look, you have a lot of information about entrepreneurs, right? I don't know this information. I need to go to ChatGPT or Gemini or other platforms and find this information.

Speaker 2:

Who taught you ChatGPT? I need to use this information, learn it, prepare for the podcast.

Speaker 1:

And then you are invited and you tell me. I can say to you, why just invite an expert? Give you the opportunity to tell your story, tell you how you became an expert and how to get to you, where to find you to the expertise, where to find you for an examination. Ukrainians are looking for information here at the moment. We are not so many here now. It's a very big, as you said, very difficult time because of the war. There are a lot of consultations on this war. How will this war end? Even these Ukrainians who have always come here, they are already slowly adapting. I asked one Ukrainian yesterday. I said how long has it been since you've been adopted here? He said 5 years. I said I adopted here in 2 years, but it would be.

Speaker 1:

Are looking for events here, not Ukrainian events. They are looking for British events. They want to open a business here, how to do something to move forward, because we don't know when the war will end. Why not become a professional here? Why not do something? Pay taxes, give more money to Ukraine. Want to support Ukraine at least once a week. Look, one woman wrote to me on Facebook. One of the people there wrote to me in Ukraine. She asked always recommend? I want to say that Sopo Ukraine has collected funds, but not only that. It has done such a large-scale work that people knew that when we were going to the events in Tafaga we were Ukrainians, that the people who were watching us British, english, muslims, arabs, because there are a lot of Arabs in the center they saw us and saw that we were there.

Speaker 1:

Ukraine will still be in war. Many people in Britain thought that the war was over. I was at work yesterday and a guy told me how do you accept it? Ukraine is not very good, even for gas, and how is it for Ukraine? I say forget that. We are in Ukraine. The war is going on Because adaptation is adaptation in the UK, but it will never be forgotten.

Speaker 1:

Another important thing is that you said that the guys created a platform to network. I want to tell you that one of my guys at work you did a good job because the war happened in Ukraine. Maybe he was right, but how many Ukrainians live here in the UK? And Rihanna didn't do what I did. I didn't brag, but a lot of information came from me. I didn't sleep.

Speaker 1:

I did a lot of social media. I was in the social media for 99% of my time. I visited all the Ukrainian organizations that I didn't know before the war. I wanted to know them and I invited them to podcasts. I started to look at their social media. I looked at their social media, all their resources, how they are doing it. They are developing now. I was in the center of the Hall Park and they were all there.

Speaker 1:

I said, look, you need to make good sites and you need to develop social media, because now people are different. People are sitting on social media more or they are sit on the websites. On social media there is a lot of information. I say change it, make it more effective. It's already changing. You see here, plas SUM, the Association of Ukrainian Great Britain, even the Ukrainian embassy. They already have a telegram, telegram. No, it's a consulate. But I also told them look, you're already moving slowly and this is very good because people our generation, maybe yours too, but even less they are sitting on social networks In the evening, people who know the evening.

Speaker 1:

They made evenings for young people. I went there for the first time because people said, oh was already not interested in the club. Many young Ukrainians did not know me, but I went and people were touching me. I came back and said good evening. They said you are Sasha Koza. I always ask how did you find me? Most people find me on Telegram, facebook, instagram or YouTube and they say no, we know you through TikTok. I think to myself thank God that I'm a little rusek. I throw it into TikTok and some Ukrainians watch me and this is very cool.

Speaker 1:

What I want to say in general is that I am very grateful who use our platform where we gather this information? We don't just want to gather entrepreneurs, we want to gather real estate work. I see a lot of people on Facebook. There are different groups and people throw their information and it doesn't go there. My wife says Sashko, I threw away real estate. I want it to be taken away. I say if it was at the beginning of the war, then you would have been taken away by the apartment, but now they don't take it away because people have already found a job in the industry. It doesn't work anymore. People are already slowly adapting and maybe they don't want to go to Facebook anymore. Why Is it our fault? Because people started spammng. People started spammng with make-up. Now there are a lot of advertisements for cars.

Speaker 2:

It's make-up, transportation and language. Yes, language. I wouldn't take a language from a Ukrainian.

Speaker 1:

I would take it from the British. I'm not saying that I'm a preacher. If you want to learn English, take it from the British. It's their language, they know it. They have an accent. They will break this accent too. Many of these Ukrainians who have just arrived who are thieves in English have an accent, just like I have an accent on the dialect. You have an accent like a strong, typical Ukrainian or Russian accent.

Speaker 2:

Don't insult us, sasha. Don't insult us, we try.

Speaker 1:

We talked a lot about the network, about the UR, about entrepreneurs, about business. We also talked about networking, about your courses, about your school Such a big topic and also what we see in the Ukrainian market. We are also subscribed bloggers, people who make content. They throw themselves into my eyes and also different Ukrainian events, and thank God that I met you, not only in Syria, because you really opened a lot of doors for business and Ukrainians who are engaged in the adobo business, who recently came here, know me, know what I do, call me and say I want to see you on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you on the podcast. I want to see you. Please give me your email. I need this information from you and they sent it to me right away. I got this information on the same day and it's very good, wonderful, because people in this field take this information very seriously.

Speaker 2:

No, they are just prepared.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, Because it is constantly needed somewhere, because a person who doesn't have this information, she just needs to generate this content. And can I say two things? First, it was an example. When you said about the West Ukrainians in London, I saw that there are also a lot of critics. I don't know why, I guess, but I understand. I also saw that there were many flags in London at all state institutions, at sports institutions. These are also Ukrainian flags. I don't know if you noticed, but no.

Speaker 2:

And someone also says oh, what kind of support is this? I think it's just a colossal support. The question is asked of the nations which we do not even know. Many Ukrainians, but they are here. They ask the question why does this flag actually have a majority on this one? And they ask this question.

Speaker 2:

Go to the Internet and see that there is a war going on. That is the first thing. This is what is said in foreign policy. If we talk about domestic policy, then of course, when you are a Great Britain, just a Great Britain and you see the Ukrainian flag on your building, then you subconsciously understand that your country supports this country and so you, as a British, can support Ukrainians at your level. So when we meet people on the street, they say oh Ukrainian, how are you? How can I help you? This is also an element of the fact that such support is introduced at the state level, because if it's just a to be taken from the daily order, well, I just wanted to say this, because if someone doesn't understand this criticism, we just need to say thank you for this as well, for the fact that such moments of support they really exist.

Speaker 2:

And the second question, because we have said a lot about this Telegram platform of communication that you created, but I want to note that even a self-employed and you really work, if you are in a medium business or a large business there, which everyone has their own moderator.

Speaker 2:

This is a Ukrainian entrepreneur who has been working in the UK for a long time or has recently created his own business in this area. Whether it's a restaurant, a building company, a legal company, there are many directions, and then this person cannot be just one moderator. These people are all from different business communities and business clubs and there can be from one to five different moderators the same active people. Only if you want to moderate and you have this expertise, you integrate and do it, and even this little. It's not competition, it's interaction, but the element of competition. It also leads to its results, because everyone gives their knowledge, gets expertise and can show themselves at this level, which is also very necessary. These are the things I wanted to mention so that those entrepreneurs who have not yet joined our communication platform understand that this is a very democratic and well-organized structure.

Speaker 1:

Serhii, what advice would you give to the entrepreneurs or the business institutions Ukrainian and British Because it's much easier to understand some moments with Ukrainian and to understand them more easily.

Speaker 2:

And, of course, british, because it's a local market and only British entrepreneurs know about some things. There are many different nuances in different businesses and this symbiosis will give a colossal effect on your activity, no matter what you do. These are communication platforms for entrepreneurs only niche professional, like we have, and local business communities where you are, even in a village or a small town. There are Ukrainian communities online. They are also found in Zoom, google Meet and so on. But don't ignore it, be more active in this regard. It will help you, and it will not only help you in what you need, but you will help the community with your knowledge, even in that town, in that village where you are now. This is also very necessary.

Speaker 1:

English. Entrepreneurs in networking and business clubs have a lot of lectures, but where do you find Ukrainian?

Speaker 2:

Sashko, you have already said many times about social media. Now, If you just Google and chat, GPT, if you just use these three things and introduce the key words Ukrainian business, Ukrainian entrepreneurs in UK, in London it depends on the city where you are or online, you will find a lot of information. There is also a platform, Networkua, on which you can ask questions about profiles. There are profiles and there is also a part for entrepreneurs which I am a moderator of partially in Sasha and her team. So we all complement each other. If you need information, you can find it quickly.

Speaker 1:

I can update you. We have deleted the entrepreneur in Telegram Because you have a group and we recommend people to go there better. On our platform, you can add your business for free it's like a catalog and you can look for Ukrainian entrepreneurs on our platform as well. It's like a catalog for you. It will be much better to find everything you need. You have a business, you send services. You can send them to our platform for free, without any charge. The only thing we take is this advertisement. Advertising is one of us.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I recommend it. I recommend it to a lot of people. It's like an online information page.

Speaker 1:

It's very useful.

Speaker 2:

And how much time do you need to spend on it One hour to register in order to enter the community in the dialogue.

Speaker 1:

One hour. Yes, it's all Ukrainians who live in the UK. We have a lot of people in Ukraine, america Canadaia's podcast. Thank you for sharing so much information about yourself, about your course, about your school. You've opened a telegram group for Ukrainian entrepreneurs in the UK who can join there and find great information. I have one more question for you and we'll finish it. The last question what do you want to say about yourself?

Speaker 2:

I wanted to say that we are always experiencing different elements. When I was with you last time, it was hard for Ukrainians in Ukraine, for Ukrainians abroad, for men abroad but they are hyper-efficient here and so on, and it's hard for them because they still feel openness, not to close but to continue to. So just don't close. If you have resources or stability here or you are just waiting for return home, don't close. Let's communicate, let's go to events, let's help each other. Let's open something. I just repeat once again that the English market is so colossal, so capital-intensive, that from our communication with you, from our creativity with you, we can create so many cool things and as soon as we have a little more resources, we will be able to help Ukrainians in Ukraine, ukrainians in other countries. We can share experience and in this way, our nation is already successful in what it does, how she protects herself, how she manifests herself.

Speaker 2:

All people, all Ukrainians, understand now what education we had, what medicine we had, what service we had in restaurants or even in some clinics. We understand how valuable and decent people worked and are working here. But we need to unite, we need to communicate with each other, so find the platforms that are more comfortable for you and let's communicate. And a little advice, less spam, as Alexander said, will be a service. So recommend to your authorities, to your advisors lead your blog, lead your expertise, write articles about your profile, topic, ukrainian English, which you like. Be more professional than just generating spam for Ukrainian social media. In a nutshell, take care of yourself. See you, I love you all very much. I love my family, I love our nation, I love our country and we will definitely win. Everything will be very good.

Speaker 1:

You can find Syria on Facebook, instagram, telegram, linkedin. All the links for you will be in the description below. Serhii Savitsky, thank you for being again on Koza Talk today on the podcast, episode 40. The last words are hold on, don't give up, just move forward. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to heroes.

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