Kozak Talks Podcast

Оренда та купівля у Англії з ріелторами

Misha & Pasha Season 1 Episode 47

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Орієнтуватися на ринку нерухомості Великобританії може бути непросто для українців. 

Павло та Міша, два досвідчених професіонали, спрощують процес оренди та купівлі нерухомості у Великобританії. Вони пропонують важливу інформацію, адаптовану для української громади, яка охоплює важливість професійних послуг, юридичні нюанси та практичні поради для різних типів орендарів. У цьому епізоді йдеться про весь процес оренди, права орендарів та поради щодо уникнення шахрайства, що гарантує безпечний та поінформований досвід купівлі нерухомості. 

Налаштуйтеся на безцінні поради та особисті історії, щоб впевнено орієнтуватися на ринку нерухомості Великобританії.

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Speaker 2:

If you do this, you will be evicted. Why can't I go to some other person who is sitting in a telegram or Facebook, some person who gives me a real estate? Why can't I go to him and say I need an apartment of this size? Why do I need to contact you?

Speaker 1:

You will get the money back if the landlord refuses or if the agency broke some rules.

Speaker 3:

That's why we want to establish such a process, a system, so that our people can get the most professional service.

Speaker 1:

If you are a private, then you need a two-room apartment. If you are a couple, then you can rent one room or a studio or a studio. If you pay for an apartment, you cannot be evicted Temporarily. Yes, if you pay temporarily, you are almost impossible to evict. I recommend that you make a video when you are moving into an apartment. He paid for everything. He paid for the deposit, he paid for one month in advance. He didn't see the money.

Speaker 3:

Real estate in Great Britain will be valuable in one way or another, where you can make money.

Speaker 2:

Can I buy an apartment, a house, without an agency?

Speaker 3:

Liverpool is now a pretty good investment option. So, dear Ukrainians, think about this place.

Speaker 2:

The question, dear Ukrainians, is from your host, sasha Kozak, on Kozak Talks, where we invite successful Ukrainians to Great Britain Also, ukrainians have already become professionals in Britain and also Ukrainians who are community leaders in Britain in various areas. On our show that they told about themselves and told how to become a successful person in Britain, because we all know that in Ukraine it may be easier to become, but in other countries, like in Great Britain or in other countries, it is much more difficult because we are Ukrainians. Ukraine, I have today, on episode 47, two guys, ukrainians, who do their job wonderfully. They are engaged in real estate in these different groups are asking how to find real estate and when they find real estate, a lot of people give it away. And these guys came to my podcast, koza Talks, to tell us Ukrainian citizens how rent works in Britain.

Speaker 2:

We have Misha and Pasha today, two experts, but I won't talk about them anymore. I think it's better for them to introduce themselves to us. Who is she? They also came from Ukraine. They also have an interesting story, but we will tell it very briefly because we have big topics to tell. This's start with you, pasha. Tell us, please, our audience, who is your story, from Ukraine to the UK. We'll stay there and then we'll move on to Misha.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, sasha. Good afternoon. My name is Pavlo. I came to London when I was about 21-22 years old. That is about 10 years ago. I was born in Kyiv. I was 8 years old. After that, my family and I moved to Slovenia. After that, I moved to London. I used to work as a MMA coach. I worked in the gym. I had a different approach. After some events forced me to start earning more money, I moved to real estate. I've been working in real estate for 2-2.5 years.

Speaker 2:

Did you work in Ukraine? No, I worked here. You came here. Okay, it's already here. You came here.

Speaker 4:

Welcome to the community. Today we will talk about our company, starling Law, which specializes in immigration and corporate law in the UK. In the field of immigration law, we help clients with the provision of various types of visas, including work, student families and business physicians. The company also consults on obtaining permanent residence and the citizenship of the UK. We can be proud of our numerous victories and recognition in the industry as we enter the leading legal ratings, such as Legal 500, where we are designated for high quality of service and professionalism. If you need professional legal assistance, contact us, because we want to achieve the best results for our clients.

Speaker 2:

Misha, tell us a little about yourself from Ukraine to Great Britain.

Speaker 3:

Yes, sasha, thank you for inviting us. Today. We want to slightly ease the process with our Ukrainians who live on the territory of Great Britain. In short, I am from Western Ukraine, from the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. I came here in 2018. Until the year 2022, I was engaged in Ukrainian business that stayed here and started the process of relocation to business in the real estate, and today we want to talk to Pavel. How better, how more professional, without risks, so that our Ukrainians get a quality service and it will make it easier for them to buy and rent a house in the UK. Well, now we are in London and it will be in London.

Speaker 2:

I mean the location. I'm sorry, misha, but I wanted to tell you this myself. You said thank you, sashko, for inviting me. No, thank you for meeting me in the Telegram. No, no, no. Big Money right? No, no, no, there was a big money forum.

Speaker 3:

I don't know We'll talk about it later.

Speaker 2:

But I met you on Telegram and you said, sashko, you saw my work. And then you said, sashko, come on, take me on a podcast. And Rihanna, thank you for calling, because you guys raise a very huge topic here in the UK. Why? Because you yourself told me I saw it too. You guys see it more right how Ukrainians are actually looking for rent. We know that more Ukrainians are looking for it on Facebook, instagram, linkedin. I don't know, but I know more that they are looking for it on Telegram. You guys see it from your side because you are involved in the nonprofit. You see that there are a lot of Ukrainians. It's very hell that we see it, but there are a lot of Ukrainians.

Speaker 3:

It's very shocking, right, sasha? Look, we just want to tell here how to generate the right system for our Ukrainians in commerce and real estate. We want to tell them that we have created some quality system for them to receive information, communication with the right people, and how not to get into any situation where people lose money, lose time. It all costs something for them I mean financially. If they turn to specialists like us who will be able to provide the right process of preparing documents, that is, to tell what information is needed, who to contact where, how long it will take what documents need to be prepared, and we will be able to show it in today's speech.

Speaker 2:

Let's start. Before I start asking you questions that we all gathered together, I want to ask you guys why should I trust you? What did you do when you were a guest? Did you do any training? Did you do any training? What did you do to trust you? Why can't I go to another person on Telegram or Facebook, a person who gives you a job? Why can't I go to him and say I need an apartment of this size? Why do I need to go back to you? What is your uniqueness, pasha? Can I try to say two words?

Speaker 3:

Yes, of course. First of all, if we take Telegram channels, then it is correct that Telegram is developing very quickly. Now we see that a lot of channels are connected. We do not want to create any competition, any competitive methods. That is now here, while speaking on this air. We I not rent an apartment, buy an apartment. The system is a bit different here than in Ukraine. In principle, the system is the same everywhere, but there is more safety. I mean, a person will be sure that he will get what he wants and we are responsible for that. That is, if people turn to us with a specific proposal, we will make it happen. Maybe Pasha will also.

Speaker 1:

I think that we should pay attention to the fact that to open your agency, you need a lot of experience. It is not just about doing it that way. To open an agency, you need to have connections with landlords, you need to know the laws, you need to have 5-10 years of experience in this field, and when you start working for an agency, there is always a training, that is. This experience is passed on from the owners of the company directly to the people who work there. So if you just turn to Vasily who wants to help you in Telegram, you don't know who he is, how much experience he has. He can tell you anything. As Misha said, the agency acts as a guarantor. This means that the agency can lose its reputation on the market, so it can't fool you. If you fool someone, then this agency no longer works. You need to start a company and some independent agent can just fool you and after that disappear and you won't even be able to complain about this problem.

Speaker 2:

I think you answered my first question. This is my first question. Why do I need an agency for rent? Let's go to the second question how to rent an apartment, a house in the UK. What is the right way to do it? Let's say I'm a person. Let's make such a scenario. It will be such a difficult scenario. We will add dogs there. We know that a lot of people come.

Speaker 3:

With domestic animals that's right.

Speaker 2:

Let's say I have one leg, also on benefits. How does this process work in general? Let's take two scenarios A mother who has two children, with dogs and cats, and maybe a family, a man and a woman. Let's take these scenarios. They come to the agency. What procedure? What?

Speaker 1:

do they need? How does it work? We can start. You said about benefits. We can start with that.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, if you have benefits, you are in a very difficult position, so you cannot contact the agency because the agency will make a reference check. This means that if you contact the agency, you must be either a student, that is, you must have a guarantor who lives in England A guarantor, for those who don't know, is a person who works and has income every month, and there should be a specific income, they will say it or not, but I will say it like this. The agency will tell you that we will ask the landlord and then we will contact you, but the point is that no one will call you back after that, because if you have benefits, you will most likely not pass the reference check through the agency. So I would advise everyone who has benefits, who does not have their income or does not have a guarantor in the UK, to look for landlords directly, and this, of course, is more risky, but you just do not have another way, how to look for it directly.

Speaker 1:

Well, when you go to the Rightmove platform and there you have have an apartment and you are looking for an apartment, you have an announcement where the apartment was put up, by Victor Stone, for example, or by Foxton's agency. You contact the agency and there will be a reference check. Or the landlord just writes I am an independent landlord, that is, he gives it to himself, he did not turn to the agency to rent his apartment. And you turn to the landlord and say here is the situation. Do you like it? Will you take me from such a situation? And then the landlord will decide for himself. That is, you can agree with him. You cannot agree with the agency, because the agency does everything according to the rules?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I understand. Okay, let's say a person, but what about students? How do students do?

Speaker 1:

it. Students are normal. There are two options. Either you provide a guarantor as I said, it must be a person who earns. In England they look somewhere like this If you rent an apartment, they look at how much you will pay for rent per month and the guarantor must receive 40 times more than the monthly rent per year. For example, if you rent for $1,000, you need the guarantor to receive $40,000 per year. Or more popular is when students pay 6 months in advance and they can do it because here they get maintenance loan, student loan. Yes, student loan is divided into two parts one covers education and one covers living, and they pay it in advance. That is, they can take this amount and pay six months in advance. And this is also liked by landlords because they receive this amount right away. So it's a good conversation, great.

Speaker 2:

I come to the agency. What documents do I need?

Speaker 1:

First, you need to have living documents here, that is. This means what are they called right to rent? A right to rent is checked in such a way that you have a document that confirms that BPR is a biometric residence. This is a permit. This is a receipt that proves that you can live in England. Then, if you can stay here for 6-12 months, the agency will check it. That is, if you have a 6-month permit, you will not be able to rent an apartment for a year. They will look and say that after 6 months you need to renew it. Then some problems may arise.

Speaker 1:

But if you have a right to stay, you can stay in London for a year or more. Then you can easily rent it. This is the first thing you need. And then, as I said, either you are a or you pay in advance for 6 months, even if you do not have a salary, but you can pay in advance for 6 months. Then you can go through a reference check. You just say I do not work but I can pay. It's normal, it's done that way. And the third most popular option you just work there. You have income. Every month, you receive a sum on your bank account. They check your bank account and say okay, your income should be 30 times higher than monthly rent, with a guarantee of 40 times higher, and if you just rent directly for 30 times higher, you will get 30,000 per year. This is your income to rent a flat for 1,000 per month.

Speaker 2:

Why did they make such laws? Is it a risk to rent a flat that costs 1,000 pounds and you have to pay 25,000? Why did they make such laws?

Speaker 1:

Because they calculated that it is so much that a person needs to earn so that he can rent an apartment, plus all other costs that arise every month, so that they can cover these costs. This is government. This is not an agency. Government calculated that you need to earn so much so that they know that you can easily pay for this rent. If you earn 20 per month, for example, then it is about 1800 per month and you pay 1000 only for rent, then some problems, may problems, and then you say I can't pay. And here are the rules that even if you can't pay, it's very difficult to evict people from the apartment.

Speaker 2:

That's why they made such why is it difficult to evict people here?

Speaker 1:

Well, because in general, even after COVID they made very strict rules for landlords and people who rent them got very profitable rights. If you can't pay for an apartment you can be evicted.

Speaker 3:

The situation is like this when the landlord I just want to add, when the landlord addresses the tenant with a fee, that is, those who rent, he addresses the High Court. There is a decision on repossession of the property. The High Court Enforcement Office comes and on the day they come, they have to evict people. Bailiff, you say they have to evict people. Yes, bailiff, they have an hour to pick up their stuff and they can pick up their staff who are already in the apartment, their equipment, everything Through the landlord, through the appointment, that is, through the appropriate council or the area where he rents, and this is called repossession of property. This is already going through a legal matter.

Speaker 2:

And what if you are not at home? They will still come until you are at home.

Speaker 3:

If you ignore them, they will come. They won't be able to get into the apartment for the first time. If you don't open it, you will be inside. But then you can watch the video of how they come and take away from the landlords I mean the tenants who live here these high court enforcement officers. They come and just knock on the door. It's like regulations. It's all by law, because if there is a high court order, it will be in force in any case.

Speaker 1:

But it can be delayed.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's delayed, it takes time.

Speaker 1:

They call it Section 21. I don't do it specifically, but I saw when they in the landlord say that he did not give me what he was supposed to give and then it is difficult to send him and the agency loses money. That is, it takes a month, three months, for example, to send and no one pays rent for three months. They lose money from this.

Speaker 2:

And what are the reasons why people send, but not only when they do not pay money? What are the other reasons why you can send a person?

Speaker 1:

It can be a behavior, for example, house sharing when you rent a room. There can be a lot of things. I saw a lot of things. I don't want to advertise bad house sharing. Details you don't want to give details, but it can be trash. It depends on who you get into. There can be reasons that you smoked weed in the apartment. You spread it.

Speaker 3:

Loud music after 11 pm.

Speaker 1:

Partying parties.

Speaker 3:

It depends on the neighbors If they keep knocking on your door, the landlord will have to react, the police will call and the case will be resolved.

Speaker 1:

You will sign a contract anyway. It will say what you can't do in the apartment and then it will say that if you do it, but there are such tenants, there are such people who rent, who rent, that they can do trash, just real.

Speaker 2:

Pasha Misha. I know I also hear from you that you know that Pasha, you know one area of ​​renting and Misha from the other area, sales commercial to you this is a question for you two.

Speaker 2:

You can. I am a person who comes to you, to your agency. I need an apartment. I get 35,000 pounds a month. I work. I am not a student. I have a dog. I come to you. What process? How is the process? How I work? I have a dog. I come to you. What is the process? You already told me the documents. How is the process? How much time do I need to find an apartment? I'm looking for an apartment in Kazenets. One apartment one room.

Speaker 1:

The process is… let's go to you.

Speaker 3:

I'm younger.

Speaker 1:

I'm a viewer, if someone is addressing the agency, people should understand that the agency is not obliged to look for something. You can turn to the agency and say that you have so be a lot of properties that can suit you and then, if something suits you, you say, for example, I need a two-room apartment in Stratford and I have a dog, I have a pet. The agency will look for what we have, right, that is, the agency works directly with the landlord. The agency will then look for okay, we have such an apartment in Stratford, two-room. Does it fit the budget? No, it does not fit. And this one fits the budget. Okay, and there can be a dog. This is already agreed directly with the landlord. This is not the agency that decides this is necessary. For that are needed such people as we with Misha.

Speaker 1:

I think that people like Misha lettings negotiators, sales negotiators are very important. If you have a dog and the landlord doesn't want to have a dog. But I call the landlord and say look, you have a good tenant, he has a good salary, we can pay him. For example, he will pay you 6 months in advance. You can trust him. And now you can't find a better tenant, let's make it so that he will live there with a dog, a small dog, for example and we are already trying to convince the landlord directly that he will rent an apartment for you because you have a dog. There are landlords who just say, yes, pet is ok.

Speaker 2:

Ok, I understand, and you? I want to add something.

Speaker 3:

Maybe, as an example, students who are now renting. You said that it is necessary for the guarantor to perform. Who should be the guarantor? Can parents speak up? It depends on the agency. I worked in two agencies and before that I worked in an agency that rented rooms.

Speaker 1:

And when we worked there it was possible to choose an international guarantor. If you have parents from Ukraine and you want to put your parents as guarantors, it was possible in that agency. Now I work in another agency where it is not done like that. The guarantor must be in the UK. It depends. In general it is better if the guarantor is in the UK because the agency always looks at how they will. For example, you cannot pay what is a guarantor. It is the how they can pay the guarantor, so they will charge him.

Speaker 1:

Yes, they will charge him. They will look at how he will live in Zimbabwe and how we will get the money. He will just disappear from the radar and go back to his country. He will be gone and there will be no money. That's why agencies look at the situation more.

Speaker 3:

They are insured right.

Speaker 1:

Yes, they are insured, and it's better if there is a guarantor in the UK On a legal basis.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I want to add something. What is the process of renting for students or this?

Speaker 1:

apartment came. Looked at the apartment, said okay, I want to make an offer.

Speaker 1:

Here's what I wanted to say. I said this when we were doing a rehearsal. If you want to make an offer, the agency will tell you you need to pay a holding deposit, holding fee. They do it for about a week, one week of rent. You paid this so that you would not show the apartment to anyone else and it is being armored for you. Then we wait for the answer from the landlord so that he says that he wants to have this tenant. If the landlord says no, then it's a refund. That is, these money will return to you, but you don't have to be afraid of it.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to. Says you need to pay 400-500 pounds to book this apartment for you, then it's okay, you can pay it. Can you return the money back? Or if the agency has violated some rules, if you then think it over, you won't get the money back. That is, if you already paid and said I want to rent this house and then the agency has to remove it from the advertisement, that is, the advertisement is removed, they say we won't show it to anyone else. They call them, say we want to see it.

Speaker 3:

No, they have already booked it, that is, they don't show it.

Speaker 1:

That is, it means that the website will write let agreed. Yes, it is. It is written on our website. I don't know how it is written on other websites. On Victorstone, it is written let agreed when the process is still going on but already booked, and then when the references have already been sent.

Speaker 3:

It is written. Let. For example, you just mentioned the rules of the landlord and tenant. Is it a verbal or a written tenancy agreement?

Speaker 1:

No, you get a written tenancy agreement when you've already passed the reference check, when you pay for a holding deposit. We send an email, we send an email and we tell everything there so that it is clear.

Speaker 2:

Why email? I know that in England email can also be an official document.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that's why we send it out, so that there are more guarantees for the client. So it's a paperless. No one sends anything to the post office. No, no, no, no one sends anything to the post office In electronic format, right, A person can sign it and it's also online.

Speaker 1:

Yes, earlier again there was an agency where we just sent a bank account through WhatsApp. But it's like you know, people are scared afterwards, they don't know. They just sent the account.

Speaker 2:

You can do that, but it scares a bit. I have a similar question, guys, you are looking for these apartments, rooms for people, right, and you get some money.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean?

Speaker 3:

We won't say how much we get. I'm not saying how much you get. I'm not saying the agency.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying what you're looking for in people. Do people pay you or do you get money from the company where you work?

Speaker 3:

Look, we… Look, you can say honestly if you work with our people, you can talk to each other. That is. No one canceled the communication and agreement on human grounds. I mean, when a person you met, her came to the company, you were able to sign a certain charge from the company and the fact that she thanks you personally, only for you it's an additional matter, an additional income. No one forb divide it. If you just contact the agency, you don't pay anything and we don't get anything. But the agency, as I said before, will not look for a long time. They said that we need to find a place for you. Maybe you can help us. They have arranged meetings, agreed on handshakes.

Speaker 4:

It's gone If it's because of the genocide.

Speaker 3:

They are wasting time here. There are a lot of people here. It's a million-city city. It's a megapolis For our people, for Ukrainians. They need everything to be detailed, clear, good, just like in Ukraine. People who came from Ukraine, businessmen. They want to establish a system so that our people can get the most professional service. How long will the process take? It depends, I don't know. It depends on the moment when the system is ready. It's not a matter of when the system is ready, it's a matter of when the most professional service.

Speaker 2:

So how long does the process of registration?

Speaker 3:

take. It depends, I don't know, but everything From the moment you meet with the client in practice to the end of the transfer I mean keys from the apartment or from the house three and a half months. This includes the financial center. I mean it's a mortgage, it's a cash buyer. If we transfer to financial departments when they are already taking care of the relevant documents, they look at where the money came from, how much money is coming from here. Ie, they sold a business. You need proof of funds, you need to show where it came from, what kind of business, how it worked, and they created some kind of. I don't know for sure, but we understand from practice that they are creating some kind a financial system between these countries so that there is no money laundering. There are many nuances here and I think we will translate this into a more concrete financial speech in our next podcasts.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to ask a question how many people can live with me? I will live alone, but I will take someone else to live with me.

Speaker 3:

If it's your apartment, you can live with me.

Speaker 2:

But what about the rent?

Speaker 3:

I think they won't come and check it, and when?

Speaker 1:

will they check? This is the topic of HMO. Hmo is House with many occupants. This is an apartment where more than one person lives. If you rent a one-room apartment, you can live in one room. If you are two friends, you can live in one room. If you are two friends, you cannot rent one room. That's how it works For each person. If you are not a family, you need a separate room by law and for this you need to have HMO in this house. Hmo means that you have five rooms and you can accommodate 5 people.

Speaker 3:

So each person has a certain square?

Speaker 1:

Yes, there is also a by-council, yes, but they look more at the room. I think the room starts from 8 or 10 square meters, so you can live in a very small room, but there must be own, separate room. If you are a family, then you don't need a room. If you have, for example, five or six people, you want to rent a three-room apartment, but then it also depends on the landlord, because the landlord can say why do I need 10 people in a 3-room apartment? That is legally, yes, you can settle in, but the landlord says, no, I don't need that. That is look at it as if you are a friend, then you need a 2-room apartment and if you are a couple, then you can rent one room.

Speaker 3:

Or a studio.

Speaker 1:

Or a studio.

Speaker 3:

yes, Look, we told everything correctly and cool here, but let's go a little on to the other side. For example, Sasha, you may have heard that people rent a big house. There are 5 rooms and 10 people live there. What's next? What rights do these people have? I have a lot of acquaintances with such people. I don't want to publish it here.

Speaker 2:

I want to ask you how will I know that the person who is selling the house is legally selling the house? How will I know that HMOs have to have some licenses for that right? Yes, you need to have an HMO license, but we are now in the process of making a decision. Hmos need to have a license to do this.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you need to have an HMO license, but we are talking about agencies. An agency will take the landlord's property and the agency is liable, it carries responsibility and the agency is checked by law. The council will be checked by law. The council will be checked and the person will be checked.

Speaker 3:

The appropriate housing area will be checked. Is it suitable?

Speaker 3:

for the person who wants to rent, but understand that many of our Ukrainians who live here. They live in different parts of Ukraine, for example, west East Ilford, hans Love, harrow, wimbledon. For example, one person rents a house for 5-6 people. All these 6 people live there. They have their own lives, their own jobs. They all live together. They order some delivery, some letters come to them, official and unofficial. Everything is on the same address and with time, the question arises, for example, if this very council, in which area this apartment is located, sees that these documents come to different six people, even from the council itself, if they approve any relevant documents I mean, I saw 6-7 people Does he have the right to evict these people for illegality? That is, they didn't tell him that there will be 6 people living here and someone else is taking them away, of course.

Speaker 3:

There are a lot of such cases now and I hope that somehow it will be managed, corrected by the government. The mayor of the city, sadik Khan, has been re-elected for the second time. He wants to do social housing. He raised the question of social housing because homeless people rose from 2022 to 2023 by 8%. A lot of people on the street. They want to regulate it and they want to do social housing. A lot of people are starting to build new homes specifically for this department, but they also want to raise the issue of the illegal nature of the housing. I mean the issue of people living in different countries, from Romania, from other countries, from Pakistan, from India.

Speaker 1:

I've seen that Three people living in the same room.

Speaker 3:

And how they want to regulate it, because if we live in a legal country, we have to stick to this character?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I agree and rent like me. I rent an apartment, a room. What rules do I have? Do I have any rules as a tenant? Yes, pasha, it's up to you Rules or rights, rights.

Speaker 1:

Well, that is what….

Speaker 2:

What laws do I think?

Speaker 1:

protect me? Yes, of course I will be honest. I know this topic well, but not very well. I didn't do it to evict someone.

Speaker 1:

Reposition I didn't do reposition. But the rights of people who rent now are greater than that of landlords. As I said, it's very difficult to evict someone from an apartment. They just barricade themselves, saying that the landlord did something wrong. The rule is that if you pay for an apartment, you can't be evicted. If you pay in advance, you can't be evicted. You can fight with the landlord. Tell him anything. He may hate you. He can't evict you from his house. If you pay him every month, if you don't do the trash, as I said, if you pay a normal tenant, you can't move you. The landlord can't just say that he didn't like me. We had a fight, I'm moving you now and you tell him.

Speaker 3:

I'll pay you now.

Speaker 1:

And I paid you now and that's it, and you're not moving. You pay him a mortgage, right? No, mortgage is when you've already taken your house. I'm talking about when you're withdrawing from the landlord.

Speaker 2:

No, I know, but you're paying his mortgage, right?

Speaker 3:

Well, it turns out you're right, sasha. Sorry, pasha, sorry too. Well, it turns out it's the right question from your side, because you're paying his mortgage and he earns money.

Speaker 4:

If he has another house he made 200.

Speaker 3:

Just two moments. You took a first time buyer. You took an apartment, lived there for 2-3 years, collected a deposit. You need to collect 25% of the deposit to take, buy to let. You can make a second apartment, for example, buy to let to pay it accordingly. This is also documented. Or you can make your apartment through the bank and buy to let. There are different moments here. This is already done by the mortgage advisor. We have a Ukrainian company that deals with this. There are corresponding contacts. We also have contacts, we cooperate with them and they provide us with the correct information.

Speaker 3:

He receives the payment. That is, this payment is carried out systematically and his mortgage is paid. That is, the person pays some fixed amount and they agree and because of this people live. And then they take the second house. Why not? You get income. It's already a return of investment, roi. You bought one, settled in the other. There is also a moment. But if you do everything officially, the state helps you. If they see that you are developing, you pay taxes, you use their schemes, that is by government. You get support from them on a permanent basis.

Speaker 2:

We are talking about the deposit. When does the deposit return and when does it not return? Yes, I recommend you to make a video when you move into an apartment, because if something is broken, you need to confirm that it was already in such a state when you moved into this apartment, or the landlord can say that you broke it and bam, there is no evidence yes, there is no evidence.

Speaker 1:

you have already been by some part of the deposit. If you haven't done anything bad, if you haven't broken anything and everything is as it should be, then you will be returned the entire deposit. You take it after you leave and it takes about a week or two, so you will have to wait a little.

Speaker 3:

Well, it depends on the bank's operations. The calculation goes to 7 working days or more, up to 2 weeks and from the agency too.

Speaker 1:

how fast they move, we will finish with the rent. What are the last words?

Speaker 2:

you want to say about the rent. Maybe you can give an example that you think is very important for our listeners and viewers, who purpose of this podcast To be able to say this for rent, for rent.

Speaker 1:

I want to say well, let's just briefly talk about the process. You need to come to the agency. I recommend, if you don't have benefits, if you work or you are a student with a guarantor, or you can pay six months in advance, you come to the agency. The agency will find you an apartment. It will be the most, it will be the safest option for you to move in. You find an apartment. After that, you pay a deposit for one week. It's gradual. You pay one week. After that, the landlord, if he accepts the conditions you set. You can then set the terms and say I want dogs there, for example. The landlord said okay, super, you can live with dogs here. After that, you give your documents From the documents you need to give a right to rent, that is, these are documents that prove that you can live in the UK, and bank accounts and payslips, for example.

Speaker 1:

Or if you are a student, you will be asked to give a student letter. It's like a letter from the university. Then there is a reference check. It takes 5-7 days. After the reference check is completed, if everything is fine, you are told that you have completed the reference check. Everything is fine. You pay the rest of the deposit, which is another 4 weeks plus 1 month of rent in advance, and you go in, they give you keys. This is the process and I recommend you to contact us because if you are not very aware.

Speaker 1:

If you don't live here for a long time, you may be fooled the same way as in Ukraine. Don't think that it's.

Speaker 2:

Tell us one example like me, Such a living example, so that our listeners and viewers know.

Speaker 1:

Well, I have a lot of examples when people just took deposits and never saw people who took this money from them. Well, in general, when they tell you let's show you without a show, like, we won't show it, you just look through the Internet and pay, then this is If you pay for it, you can't pay for it, you can't pay for it, you can't pay for it. You can't pay for it. You can't pay for it, you can't pay for it, you can't pay for it. You can't pay for it. You can't pay for it. You can't pay for it. You can't pay for it. You can't pay for it. You can't pay for it. You can't pay, you cannot come and look at the apartment. If the agent insists that you pay and you don't look at the apartment, this is the first sign that it can be a scam, that someone wants to fool you. This is the first. The second, in general, I saw from specific examples.

Speaker 1:

I saw when a girl came. She was also from Kyiv. She came and some family took money for rent. She lived there for 2-3 days but didn't sign anything. She just came and said here you pay, here you can live. Well, as we do it, we don't get tired of it. She lived there for 3 days. She didn't like something about this landlord. She just came back from work and saw all her stuff on the street. The landlord closed the door. She called the police and the police said we can't do anything. You don't have a contract. Why are you calling us? This is her apartment. She said if you don't go, I'll call the police and say that you're trespassing, that you want to break into my house.

Speaker 3:

There are no agreements and that's it it means that this girl just did not have the information. She did not have the information.

Speaker 1:

And it happened and there are many such cases.

Speaker 3:

We are watching. So, dear Ukrainians, better contact the relevant organizations, contact the right people and it will be more effective.

Speaker 1:

I will give you another example. I remember it was my colleague when I was still working as a coach. He paid a huge amount of money 4,000. He paid everything. He paid the deposit. He paid one month in advance. He did not see the money because he did not come to see it. I asked him how he did it. He said well, I saw it on Facebook. In general, most scams are here on Facebook. Someone was found on Facebook and he said well, I'm an agent, an independent agent. I will never agree to this, because 90% is scam. And he found it, watched the video on the Internet, paid 4,000 pounds, that's it. That man disappeared and he lost his money. That's how it works.

Speaker 2:

Very sad, Very sad Guys. Let's move on to sales. First question for you why non-profit? Is it a good investment?

Speaker 3:

Yes, we'll move on to sales. Right? Yes, thank you, pasha. You clearly explained everything. You have a good investment, sasha. We can compare it to the immigration in the UK.

Speaker 3:

The first Ukrainians came in the 2000s, in 1998, in 1999. The apartments in the bedroom cost 150,000. And now they cost 350,000. You can take 20 years, but the real estate in the UK will be the price of a place where you can earn money. If you invest, you never lose. Who would have said that it really works? And in practice it also proves that for decades. For example, if you take statistics, you do a comparison, you compare, you see the graph for example, 150,.

Speaker 3:

Well, it depends in principle on the region. A lot of people buy, for example, apartments to get investments. They buy here, for example, in one area. They add, for example, some extension to the building. They take loans for construction. They make, for example, a slightly different room, for example, they raise the loft, but you need to take permission from the council. It also depends on what apartment you have In the apartment. It is not very allowed New homes. If you have a detached house, it can be organized. In practice. There are such cases and quite a lot of people raised their money. For example, if they bought an apartment in East London, 70thage house, 90 square meters, 100 square meters they made an extension. I know, I know, I know there was such a situation. They paid for a house of 450, but it was in such a bad condition. Well, it looked bad, but I don't care. They made refurb and sold it on the market for 620. They made good money.

Speaker 2:

Yes, because there are people who buy real estate, do repairs, do even better, sell on the market even more expensive.

Speaker 3:

It all depends on the region. You can buy in the center and earn up to half a million. It depends on your experience, your contacts, how you deal with it, with whom you work. You understand everyone want to earn money from. It's about investment. It's short. You can talk a lot. It depends on the city. Liverpool is a very popular city. Now, I'm sorry. I wanted to ask you before we move on to the next topic, a short advertisement.

Speaker 1:

If I bought a house and I want to renovate it, it's also an investment and it can also be a scam. Do you have people who can help you with renovation of houses? Who can you recommend?

Speaker 3:

to avoid this scam.

Speaker 3:

Yes, of course we have communication with such people. They are our Ukrainian guys, businessmen, big companies. Their turnover is from 10 to 20 million pounds per year. I have a personal acquaintance with them. I had a meeting with them recently, literally two or three weeks ago. They also deal with commercial areas. I mean restaurants, beauty salons.

Speaker 3:

Many of our girls came here who are super professionals masters, so to say Because here the nail service is not very good in the UK. The British put it that way. Our girls do it very well. Someone starts working from home, gets a client base and then goes to the salon. Why not Open at Kensington and get? Well, you will have to pay for rent at first, but if you work here, you get a good income, you develop, you hire more girls who can do it and you build a business structure. This is a small sample.

Speaker 3:

Regarding contacts, I would like to say that there are contacts with whom we work, so you can say that in general, it is a key, that is, a service is provided, a price is estimated and how many people can be hired. For example, your return of investment will be 6 months fees that we will take for what we are doing. Accordingly, we will offer the client a service under the key. How much time will he take, how much will the person cost, what will be the specific investment from the person and how much he can get at the final stage? It will all be mechanized, shown, formulated so that the person already knew how to understand it correctly. See it, we exist for that. It's like an investment. We will also go into that in another podcast.

Speaker 2:

We will pass it on. I have a question for you, because you are the master of this Can I buy a flat, a house, without an agency?

Speaker 3:

You can try, but I doubt you will succeed. Why? It can only happen if you are an agent yourself.

Speaker 2:

There are many nuances Is it difficult to do.

Speaker 3:

It's not difficult. You just need to master this information. You see, there is a specialist in every business, every profession, every business. Accordingly, you are a businessman and a specialist in your field. In podcasts, we are in our field, someone else is in construction, someone else is in media, someone else is in logistic. That is, it is better to turn to the right people. There are many such people, but, as you know, you pay twice as much and make mistakes. I was convinced of this in my personal experience. So it's better to turn to them, pay, get and then shake hands and say thank you very much for helping me.

Speaker 1:

Misha, I'm in Perth and I said I will buy a house myself. What can happen besides the fact that I lose my money? What can you be afraid of in this case? What can be the schemes that can solve the problems, besides the fact that are losing money because you don't know where to find the right?

Speaker 3:

deal. Pasha, thank you for this question, but I just give you a question straight away. Tell me how do you see it? You said to me I asked you for a certain proposal for a purchase, right? You said no, I'm better, I'm doing it myself. I know everything, I'll do it. You can say something to the public now. How do you plan to do it so that I can analyze it further and say whether you are right or not? How do you see it? For example, the client said I will do it myself.

Speaker 1:

I found it myself.

Speaker 3:

Where did you?

Speaker 1:

find it yourself. We talked about Stratford. We said, for example we found it.

Speaker 3:

How did you find it? Where do you see the advertisement?

Speaker 1:

It's just sold on the Internet.

Speaker 3:

This company is an agent. In any case, you get to some agent.

Speaker 1:

And if the landlord sells it himself, the landlord will simply connect his agents in this case.

Speaker 3:

In any case, you get to the agent.

Speaker 2:

You get to the agent in any case, even if you get to our person.

Speaker 3:

he to make sure that the case is passed. That's why the transfer is transferred. When there is a sale agreed, then the money is transferred to the lawyer first and then the lawyer transfers it to the bank. They are the guarantors. Lawyers work only with agents. That's the case, and if I am a landlord and I want to sell my house.

Speaker 1:

I can't just take it and sell it myself. You have to go to the agency. In any case, it is better to do valuation because you can earn more.

Speaker 3:

They recommend you what to change. That is before selling. In any case, you need to do valuation of the property. They will tell you where, how, how much it will look, how the sale will be. It will be more effective, better and you will be able to sell faster. You understand, because they work on it it is their interest.

Speaker 1:

Can you quickly tell viewers what is Evaluation of the Property?

Speaker 3:

Evaluation of the Property is when, for example, you bought an apartment let's take the West, the East, there is no difference in the UK and London for 300,000, and you have lived there for 2-3 years and want to sell it. For what purpose? Well, I don't know. Maybe you need money, maybe you need a business. Well, there are different people. Evaluation of the property means that you are connected with the agency, but mostly now agencies. That is, when you buy a property, they already put you in a shortlist. They put you in a shortlist and they constantly send you a reminder.

Speaker 3:

Once a year, once every 8 months, you get a free evaluation of your property. They come, they assign a point, they spend 15-20 minutes with this property consultant from the agency and immediately they fix a specific price for you. You can buy a property for 350, for example, two years ago, in 2022, in 2021, and now it costs 385. It has grown. It all depends on the district, it all depends on the street. Is there a temple, which is not yet? Is there any infrastructure, public transport? There are a lot of nuances, but in general, the price will rise. That is even after a year.

Speaker 1:

A person will not fall in the agency, who will look at the state of the property and they can say how much it costs because there is, for example, asbestos on the walls. They can see these problems and they can say that because there are such problems, it will cost less or more.

Speaker 3:

For example, Well, they can help you solve this issue. If you want to sell it, they will not inform you because they have no interest in it. If you can sell, they will work with you. Accordingly, if you sell through them, they get a percentage and they do it, and they sell much faster. Sales can take 2-3. And now they buy and sell quite effectively.

Speaker 2:

I have a second question for you, misha. Can I manage my own real estate myself? What are the pros and cons? Manage your own real estate, do you mean that you can?

Speaker 3:

build something or change something. Yes, yes, yes. Well, in principle, look if it's an apartment, if it's a new home.

Speaker 3:

It's a bit complicated. For example, you have a desire here's the summer has come, it's so hot in the house, you have to put air conditioning everywhere. You have to connect directly with the company where you bought, not with the agency, but, for example, you bought a company, barat yes development. They built this house. There is a service because you pay them a service charge. That is because they support you and you have to ask if you have the permission to do conditioning.

Speaker 3:

And they will not give you a specific situation If it is a semi-detached house. If it is a house, these issues are resolved through a council. You will ask I want to change the roof. I am a little bit stuck there. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I want to change the roof. I. They want a sauna.

Speaker 3:

A lot of people are doing it now. And they also ask how much can this extension be extended? 2 meters, 3 meters, 4 meters, and accordingly, the price of this square is already growing. That is, the person already receives a return of investment. That is, he or she calculates how much he or she will spend on construction. That is, how much will be the service of the construction company from which he or she charges and they calculate immediately, for example, how much she will get from this income, because if the square is increasing, the price will also increase According to the square meter. This can also be calculated, but this is already detailed communication with a specific client.

Speaker 2:

In what area can?

Speaker 3:

you buy in a certain area? Well, mostly our people. There are many cases. It all depends on where the person works, depends on the family status. If you are alone without anyone, if you are doing business or working, you are looking for properties for yourself. How you go to the center, you live somewhere there M25, m40, m4, m6, higher, a little higher.

Speaker 3:

Take the northern one, like going to Birmingham. You are looking for somewhere better, somewhere cheaper. You compare the prices and you buy yourself. If you have enough time to get to work in an hour, it's quite normal. A lot of people get to the subway, a lot of people get by their own transport. But I would tell our people to keep their desires when they want to live, because people first move. Then they find out that there is a bad neighbor, a bad district, a lot of crime. They can't fix it right away. The agent can say a lot you buy a nice house, this apartment suits you, it's great. I just want to sell it. It's the same for every agent because it's for money. Tell me so that people understand the difference in prices.

Speaker 1:

For example, we take one room apartment somewhere in the center of the city and we take the same apartment let's say it's not a new build, let's say it's just a normal 10-12 year old house and we take the same one-room apartment somewhere in Feltham it's the sixth zone. What will be the difference in price?

Speaker 3:

What will be the difference in price?

Speaker 3:

It depends. That's also a good question. I think you understand that in Altamira it will be cheaper If we take Old Gate Station. It's not the area where people live, it's more of a business city. There are offices they buy. It all depends on where people want to live.

Speaker 3:

Who wants to live near Temsa, canary Wharf, vauxhall, victoria, westminster and Bankman? Prices are quite high. They start at 2.5 million. It's for a flat. There are no such houses there. If there are houses, then we with the Central Prime London, we will start with Belgravia, chelsea, myface, st James Park, westminster, knightsbury, cherry, hyde Park, marble Arch, bond Street. There are also options for new builds. The square is about 30,000 per square meter. If you take Felham, I think the price will be 7,000-8,000 pounds per square meter.

Speaker 3:

It depends on the budget, on who you are if you are a businessman, if you want to buy for yourself, if you want to sell. It all depends on the person and it is also individual. Guys, what is your opinion? Where do Ukrainians buy more? I am a businessman. I take money from different places. After living here for a year, they realize that London is a very expensive city. They go to other places. They go north Because there is no south. There. We already have the East Side, east Bourne, brighton. This way, it depends on who has a specific job, and so our people come to Manchester, birmingham, liverpool, newcastle, up to Edinburgh, scotland, go there. There is something that I myself have seen in practice, that is, you can buy an apartment for 150,000 pounds on the 20th floor, 100 sq ft.

Speaker 3:

This is a three-room building with 7 services and which is maximum, with two parking spaces, for 120,000 pounds, with a view of the sea Immediately. This is in Scotland, here for 120,000 you can buy a garage.

Speaker 1:

I confirm this because I also watched. If it's about investments, when we will be in another podcast we will also raise this topic and we will talk not only about how to invest in London but how to invest in the UK, because in the UK if you go up it will be much cheaper but you can give up quite expensively If you do buy to let, it's more profitable to do it in London. If I am speaking specifically, Sasha.

Speaker 3:

I want to say in general, for example for sales Look, liverpool is now a pretty good investment option. So, dear Ukrainians, think about this city Because, for example, there are apartments in New Home one bedroom, two bedroom. They go under the tax of 850 to 1100 for rent, but the price of this apartment will rise to 140 thousand pounds. They have risen a lot, that is, in the last five years, rent has grown by 25%. That is, people are moving very much and such a demographic process. This is due to the fact that a lot of people came to London after Brexit, because Brexit just indicated to people to understand this word that Great Britain has become a closed country and, even more so, a large number of people want to get here, as they do with all methods legal and illegal.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's all regulated by the state and, in principle, it's not up to us to decide. But, as we can see, a lot of people are starting to leave London. Take the city of Dartford or Ealing. Oh, you are so far away. I have to drive from you for three hours Very far. This is a very long distance, right? People meet in the center for this, for a meeting then they leave, I mean. But in general, you can only talk about sales with a specific person who is interested in listening to you and giving you tips on how to do it right.

Speaker 3:

This is already happening in the company. That's why we came here to tell you and help them.

Speaker 1:

And I will just add that if you live in London, why do people want to live in London? Because they work here. If you are not attached to your work here, why would you want to be here? You can go to any city and pay much less there and you will have more profit. If we are talking about investment, if we are talking about the fact that you work in London and you need to be here, then you need to buy here. But if you just want to invest and you are not attached to this city, then it is more profitable to do it in London. If we say so.

Speaker 2:

How quickly, if I want, will I be able to sell my house or apartment?

Speaker 3:

If you didn't think, for example, to sell your apartment and house. It all depends on the speed of sales. I mean, it depends on the speed of the sale and the appropriate place, time and the period Whether there are sales in this area, whether there is no, what is the situation in the financial market of the state, whether they are sold, whether they are all on freeze hold and so on. If you turn to the valuation, they will work with you until the moment you are sold. I think you can do it in 4 months. When you come back, they will make an appointment, they will make a valuation and they will put you on the market. You will get a certain price, certain figures, from people who are interested. You make a viewing with them and you give them, you make a deal.

Speaker 1:

Negotiations are already going on and you can negotiate with them. It's all about negotiations From the perspective of the person who buys and the landlord. What would you recommend? For example, I'm looking for a house. Do you think that more people are looking for a new house, or are they looking for something older but cheaper, and then they want to repair it themselves? And from the landlord's side, would you suggest to the landlord to repair the apartment before he sells it?

Speaker 3:

Pasha, thank you for the question again. Well, we can talk about it for a very long time. It all depends on the person in general what he likes. For example, I constantly live in a house. I don't want to live in a house here, maybe somewhere in the center all the time. I don't want to live here, maybe I'll live in the center of the house, but at the moment there is no time.

Speaker 3:

If you buy a house, you have to look after it, you have to support it, even mow the lawn, clean the toilet, clean all the rooms. You can hire the right employees, but it takes a lot of time. I prefer to sell flats. Two parking spaces for a car, two floors, a jacuzzi they can afford to earn money a sauna, a nice garden, plant, some palm trees. Life is comfortable. It costs a lot of money. It's not far from London but you can afford it For the money you buy. For example, you buy an apartment in the west, in the second or third zone, for 400-450 thousand for this budget. You can afford to buy a house, for example, on Isti in Dartford. You can do some refurb, build something. It all depends on the budget.

Speaker 3:

I just compare it so that people understand and they made a company. You can do it on official websites with free access. It's Zoupla Rightmove. They can look it on official websites, free access to Zoupla Rightmove. They can check it out. Just give them a request and they will immediately shortlist it. At the end, when you choose a property, you are immediately asked about the amount you will pay the bank for mortgage, for mortgage and mine, what term you get, what deposit you have. It gives you all the information, financial information.

Speaker 1:

What can you claim? I'm really interested because I don't know the process itself. How you? From the beginning yes, from the beginning I decided to buy an apartment and I turned to the agency. What does?

Speaker 3:

this person do? We talk to you, we waste time and accordingly I ask you a question which region are you looking for? What is your budget? What is your salary? Do you want it yourself or do you want it with a partner? How much are you ready to pay for this deposit? If it's a big amount because you can do health-wise for a first time buyer, it's 5% paid by the state. But in general you pay at the end, at the end stage, at the end of the year, that is, it takes a little more than usual. Total when you bring 10-20%, 25%, depending on whether you can show this income here. For example let's formulate an example 400,000,. How much deposit can you deposit?

Speaker 1:

For example, I have 40,000.

Speaker 3:

40,000 deposit right, that's 10% and the rest 390,000,. You get we will calculate the amount of deposits as banks, what percentage After that we give you we don't give you many options, we give you 2-3 options In this area. We do viewing and then we proceed to the documentation work. We pass everything to you. At the financial center, we make the same references as on the lettings and development.

Speaker 3:

He gave you the agreement and you liked everything. Then the lawyers start the final and final process, transfer money to the bank itself because it goes through the lawyer. You have nothing to do with it. And after that, for example, I or you did it through me I meet you in front of the house, I give you the keys and you are the owner of the apartment.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and you say that it all takes about 4 months In general.

Speaker 3:

in practice it takes 4 months 4 months. Yes, maybe longer, depending on whether you like the apartment we offered you or you want something different, but I would advise… and when?

Speaker 1:

do you pay, for example, 10%? At what stage?

Speaker 3:

10% you pay when lawyers gave the good from the landlord, that is, from the owner or from the developer. Then you pay this amount.

Speaker 1:

So after that, you don't have to worry anymore. No, you don't have to.

Speaker 3:

You've passed all the checks and the case is over Understood, misha Pasha.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, guys. Thank you for the rent, thank you for the sales, for sharing great information. Our listeners and viewers will use this information. We hope so.

Speaker 1:

But we haven't told our listeners and viewers what company you for. Who do you represent? Tell us about your company. We are also investing in Spain, riyadh, dubai, croatia. We work mainly with European investments, but we also have investments outside of Europe. And as for the other areas of business and migration, this is what Mikhail is doing. He helps with documents for our Ukrainians who come here.

Speaker 1:

The third service we offer is a luxury concierge, that is, if you want to spend your time well, if you want to have a good rest. I will be very honest. This is not a very cheap service because it is all done at a very high level. But if you have money, you want to go somewhere, you want to order a limousine, or you want to buy some tickets for a concert, or you want to have access to VIP lodges in a rich club. We can rent a villa for you, we can organize a flight for you. That is all. This will be included. If you want to spend your time like this, you can contact us. We will help you. And the fourth direction is air travel, that is, travel with private jets. If you want to rent an apartment or if you need to buy a house in London, or if you need to sell your house in London, we can help you with this. We can do everything so that you don't have any problems.

Speaker 2:

The last question Do you also do commercial work?

Speaker 3:

Yes, of course we receive a lot of requests for commercial work because many Ukrainians have come here. Why not do business here? And accordingly, residential commercial is a little different, but we work on it. So please, you can contact us.

Speaker 2:

If you need a commercial premises for any type of business, please we will help you with this question, dear Ukrainians, all their details will be below on the description, or on the details you will see. It will be on the pictures of their Instagram, linkedin, their websites, professionalism, which they do. Thank you, misha, and your company, for a lot of such cool wonderful information.

Speaker 2:

You have said a lot that I myself did not know. I have been here for 25 years. Well, as Misha said, you always have to ask experts who have this information and guys. Thank you very much for this. I want to say that this will be part one of this podcast. We will have part two, in which we will talk more in detail about sales, buying, selling, investing a lot there in London and also in Dubai, but we will prepare this information to tell you more about this information, because we already know how many Pasha and Misha have already told that a lot of Ukrainians have already arrived here now, then arrived already, want to sell and buy these apartments, rooms here, and not only buy apartments already commercially, want to open businesses here and here. Well, here is complicated truth here and the rules for the but you need to know how to do it correctly.

Speaker 2:

Dear Ukrainians, if you need to rent something, you want to do something with the purchase, you want legal information, please contact Misha and Pasha. They are happy to help you and, most importantly, they will do it for your main language, ukrainian.

Speaker 4:

I think it's very important.

Speaker 2:

Dear. You will contact them. My last words are to hold on, do not give up, just move forward. Glory to Ukraine.

Speaker 1:

Glory to the heroes.

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